Character Traits

The following Twelve Traits of Character are emphasized to all students in the Mifflin County School District:

Trait Description
Adaptability Be ready and willing to adjust as necessary to the changes in people and circumstances that arise in daily life.
Compassion Show kindness and concern for others in distress by offering help whenever possible.
Contemplation Think things through with proper care before taking action.
Courage Face difficulty or danger and express your beliefs even if you are afraid.
Honesty Be truthful in all you do and never deceive, steal, or take advantage of the trust of others.
Initiative Take responsible action on your own, without prompting from others.
Loyalty Show others that you are faithful and dependable when you have a commitment to them.
Optimism Strive to be hopeful and positive in your beliefs about yourself, others, and the future.
Perseverance Continue to work hard and persist toward the goal even when obstacles and difficulties arise.
Respect Show consideration and regard for yourself, others, and the world around you.
Responsibility Demonstrate that you consider yourself to be accountable for your actions and that you follow through on your commitments.
Trustworthiness Show others by your actions that you are reliable and believable and deserving of their confidence.

Character traits will be emphasized to all students in the Mifflin County School District in the following sequence:

School Year 2024-2025
Trustworthiness - Initiative - Compassion - Perseverance